CH Mediation Ireland :: A Personalised and Caring Service

Acceptance : some people travel a challenging road

2024-01-14 14:08 Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Today as I turned to walk back home after my usual walk along the road ... I stopped and looked at the road stretching out in front of me and realised in that moment; I was at peace. I don't know why this thought came into my mind or what has caused me to feel like this.

It was a calm and fresh winter morning, quiet with nothing to hear other than the birds singing and the noise of my feet walking on the gravel.

I was reminded of the book I read about acceptance and the quote,

'some people travel a challenging road. That road becomes so much easier to travel with self-acceptance, mindfulness and self-compassion.' Acceptance by Pádraig O'Morain (2023, p86)

As we all deal with and manage our lives, the best reminder for us all is that we don't have control over what has happened to us because that is in the past. Importantly we do have control over our choices about what we do next.

Today was an important moment on my challenging road and proved to me that my acknowledging that I need to make a life that's defined by my future and not my past ... my acceptance to create space for my new life.

I am so glad I was able to stop and appreciate and acknowledge that sense of peace and contentment this morning, if even for the second it took to stop and realise it.

Worth remembering how we always say we want to feel good, and yet when we do we barely notice it .....